Using aggregate in R
R1 Using aggregate
in R
A few examples related to the usage of aggregate
1.1 Example data
df <- data.frame(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
name = c("Shigeo Kageyama", "Ritsu Kageyama", "Arataka Reigen", "Tsubomi Takane", "Sho Suzuki", "Ichi Mezato", "Ryohei Shimura", "Tenga Onigawara"),
affiliation = c("Body Improvement Club", "Salt Middle School", "Spirits and Such Consultation Office", "Salt Middle School", NA, "Psycho Helmet Cult", "Body Improvement Club", "Body Improvement Club"),
age = c(12,13, 27, 14, 13, 14, 14, 14),
salary = as.numeric(c(10, 0, 500, 100, NA, 20, 200, 200)))
## id name affiliation age salary
## 1 1 Shigeo Kageyama Body Improvement Club 12 10
## 2 2 Ritsu Kageyama Salt Middle School 13 0
## 3 3 Arataka Reigen Spirits and Such Consultation Office 27 500
## 4 4 Tsubomi Takane Salt Middle School 14 100
## 5 5 Sho Suzuki <NA> 13 NA
## 6 6 Ichi Mezato Psycho Helmet Cult 14 20
## 7 7 Ryohei Shimura Body Improvement Club 14 200
## 8 8 Tenga Onigawara Body Improvement Club 14 200
1.2 Mean of the age by affiliation
#Mean of the age by affiliation
mean_age<- aggregate(x= df$age,
1.3 Small improvement: Include the names on the go…
## Group.1 x
## 1 Body Improvement Club 13.33333
## 2 Psycho Helmet Cult 14.00000
## 3 Salt Middle School 13.50000
## 4 Spirits and Such Consultation Office 27.00000
# better name the columns on the way...
mean_age_names<- aggregate(x = list(mean_age = df$age),
by = list(affiliation =df$affiliation),
FUN = mean)
## affiliation mean_age
## 1 Body Improvement Club 13.33333
## 2 Psycho Helmet Cult 14.00000
## 3 Salt Middle School 13.50000
## 4 Spirits and Such Consultation Office 27.00000
1.4 Combining aggregate with user-made functions: Count integrants
#Count the number of integrants
count <- function(x){NROW(x)}
number_integrants <- aggregate(x = list(integrants = df$id),
by = list(affiliation = df$affiliation),
FUN = count)
## affiliation integrants
## 1 Body Improvement Club 3
## 2 Psycho Helmet Cult 1
## 3 Salt Middle School 2
## 4 Spirits and Such Consultation Office 1
1.5 Using a little bit more elaborate function: The second integreant by affiliation.
#The second of the list of affiliation
second = function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1)
return(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[2])}
second_int<- aggregate(x = list(second_member = df$name),
by=list(affiliation = df$affiliation),
## affiliation second_member
## 1 Body Improvement Club Shigeo Kageyama
## 2 Psycho Helmet Cult Ichi Mezato
## 3 Salt Middle School Ritsu Kageyama
## 4 Spirits and Such Consultation Office Arataka Reigen
2 Refferences